As a small school, we know our children very well and our small boarding and day houses are run by extremely caring and dedicated staff. We pride ourselves on our pastoral care, ensuring that each child feels welcome here, and we take great care to look after the individual needs of each child.
The College is a Church of Ireland foundation, which means that daily worship in chapel is a central part of our ethos and identity. That ethos means that we cherish our Christian heritage but we embrace children from all backgrounds and faiths. Whatever faith tradition children come from, what we emphasise regularly is a common set of values, chosen by the pupils and staff of the school. They are Kindness, Compassion, Inclusion, Responsibility and Determination. Instilling those values into our young people is surely the most important thing that we do.
We have very high academic standards at the College and our leavers go on to top universities in Ireland, the UK, Europe and also the USA. However, we are about much more than what goes on in the classroom. All of our pupils play some sport every day, which gives a healthy balance to their routine. We have wonderful Music and Art facilities, great drama and public speaking and we encourage all of our pupils to take full advantage of our varied and busy extra-curricular programme. The dark days of Covid meant that a lot of the colour was missing from our lives, but we are back with a renewed sense of energy and excitement and with a determination to have as much fun as possible. In the difficult teenage years I fully believe that learning should be enjoyable and that it should nurture a sense of adventure, exploration and self-discovery.
We have a great sense of tradition, holding on to all that is best about the past, and we combine that with wonderful modern facilities and a preparation for the modern world that is second to none. Above all, I think that this is a supportive and inclusive place where every pupil can find a home.
Words and websites can only say so much and I would urge you to come and pay us a visit so that you can find out for yourselves what we are all about. I look forward to welcoming you here.