Latest News – General

The latest general news from the College.

St. Columba’s Foundation London Event

An unforgettable May evening in London was hosted by the College…
June 19, 2024/by sccdublin

Trips Week 2024

The tradition College 'Trips Week' takes place in the first week…
June 10, 2024/by sccdublin

Transition Year End of Term Report

And so, another Transition Year ends and it has been a rollercoaster…
May 31, 2024/by sccdublin

Leadership Awards 2024

Leadership Awards were presented to ten more worthy recipients…
May 30, 2024/by sccdublin

Voices of Poetry 2024

The long-standing Voices of Poetry event at the end of May provides…
May 29, 2024/by sccdublin

Grace Cup Lunch 2024

Our annual Grace Cup lunch at Whispering House in the College…
May 23, 2024/by sccdublin

Mountain Race 2024

Well done and congratulations to everyone who took part in this…
May 23, 2024/by sccdublin

European Youth Parliament – Pupil Report

Harry Williams, Form V, writes on his recent experience taking…
April 20, 2024/by sccdublin

Seachtain na Gaeilge


As Seachtain na Gaeilge draws to a close, we want…
March 15, 2024/by sccdublin

Success in Maths & Computing Olympiads

Congratations to Form IV pupil Herbert Feng who achieved fourth…
March 13, 2024/by sccdublin

Florence Trip Report

Aeladh Bradley Brady, Form V, reports on the Art History trip…
March 12, 2024/by sccdublin

Wesley Interschools Music Festival

In the first weekend in March, the Wesley Interschools Music…
March 10, 2024/by sccdublin

London Foundation Event, May 2024

Old Columbans, parent and friends of the College, who live in…
March 5, 2024/by sccdublin

South Africa Trip, February 2024

Form IV pupil, Philomena Schneider, reports on the recent College…
February 26, 2024/by sccdublin

Junior Art Prizes 2024

Congratulations to the winners of the Junior Art Prizes 2024.…
February 23, 2024/by sccdublin

Junior Play 2024 – Junior Sandwich

This year's Junior Play is made up of three short pieces 'sandwiched'…
February 22, 2024/by sccdublin

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week is under way, with a jam-packed…
February 7, 2024/by sccdublin

Transition Year Update

It has been another busy half-term for the Transition Year pupils.…
February 7, 2024/by sccdublin

Musarum Comes – Arts Awards 2023

Last year, the Warden introduced a new set of awards called Musarum…
December 14, 2023/by sccdublin

Leadership Awards & Movember Fundraising

Congratulations to Form VI pupils Hughie Casey, Gabriel Murphy…
December 13, 2023/by sccdublin

Christmas Jumper Day

Well done to the Pupils' Council who organised a Christmas Jumper…
December 11, 2023/by sccdublin

Wellbeing Poster Competition

Congratulations to the winners of our recent Wellbeing Poster…
December 8, 2023/by sccdublin

The Whiteheaded Boy

Drama continued to find its feet post-pandemic (when only modest…
December 7, 2023/by sccdublin

The Senior Play 2023

The Whiteheaded Boy by Lennox Robinson is a favourite on the…
November 10, 2023/by sccdublin
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